It is now quite difficult in African states to accurately determine the vaccination coverage of the population. Hence unequal vaccination coverage between regions, departments, municipalities, neighborhoods, etc.
More than 500 criteria determine the vaccination recommendations. Moreover, they change over time. This complexity leads to poor vaccination practices linked to the absence of a tool for strengthening the knowledge of practitioners.
Vaccination record are important documents that must be kept for life. However, "paper" notebooks are lost and deteriorate rapidly. In the event of loss or deterioration, the doctor can ask the patient to repeat their vaccinations, or else refrain from prescribing vaccines in case of doubt.
The context of COVID-19 has shown the need to rethink healthcare systems and above all to be better prepared to anticipate future pandemics. Controlling vaccination coverage will be a fundamental element in responding to emerging pathologies.
Reduce infant morbidity and mortality, protect pregnant women, and more broadly populations against vaccine-preventable diseases thanks to the deployment of a durable solution for the preservation of the vaccine trace, efficient, equitable, viable, and perfectly integrated into the national health system.
The solution consists in implementing a « Digital Vaccination Record » which will permanently keep the patient's vaccination record throughout his life. With the objective of avoiding under- and over-vaccinations, and improving vaccination coverage.
Provide the National Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) with digital solutions to facilitate their work. For example, digitizing tally sheets, digitizing immunization records, digitizing post-vaccination adverse effects reporting.